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primary 5 | Maths
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Pooh pooh bear
Pooh Pooh Bear

primary 5 chevron_right Maths

Pls assist with model drawing n explain thk

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 444

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Soh Wei Xiang
Soh Wei Xiang's answer
10 answers (Tutor Details)
I don't think your answer is correct. When you use your answer and subtract 90, you're only left with 1/2 of what you had where you're supposed to have more than 1/3 minimum . You can use this method to check your answer.

It says that after using $90 for the skirt, she is left with 1/4 of her money. You can interpret it as 2/3 left of her total sum if you only subtract the dress. From there is just solving the equation.

Pooh pooh bear
Pooh Pooh Bear
7 years ago
Hi thank for the advice
Pooh pooh bear
Pooh Pooh Bear
7 years ago