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The more important part of probability is how to come up with it, which requires understanding the question then applying logic.
The team is trailing by 14 points. They then made 2 touchdowns, scoring 12 points.
(a) asks for the probabilities of winning, drawing and losing if they try for 2 kicks.
Each kick only scores 1 point, so if they try 2 kicks they can never win the game.
P (draw) is probability of scoring both kicks, which is (0.99)^2.
P (lose) is if you miss at least 1 of the 2 kicks.
Pass/run is similar.
The team is trailing by 14 points. They then made 2 touchdowns, scoring 12 points.
(a) asks for the probabilities of winning, drawing and losing if they try for 2 kicks.
Each kick only scores 1 point, so if they try 2 kicks they can never win the game.
P (draw) is probability of scoring both kicks, which is (0.99)^2.
P (lose) is if you miss at least 1 of the 2 kicks.
Pass/run is similar.
Date Posted:
7 years ago
Hey thanks for answering
I am having trouble understanding where you got the one when you are subtracting it from a number which is not known yet and the algebraic part of the right hand side please
I am having trouble understanding where you got the one when you are subtracting it from a number which is not known yet and the algebraic part of the right hand side please
The algebraic side on the right is irrelevant, sorry. I try to answer multiple questions on the same sheet of paper.
P (lose) = 1 - P(win) - P(draw).
P (lose) = 1 - P(win) - P(draw).
I get it now thanks so much