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secondary 4 | A Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

Unsure of how to do, just started learning this topic :) pls help thank you

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 257
4 years ago
we know:
1. angle ACB = π/3 radians
2. CB = 4 m
3. AB = 4√3 m
4. AM = MB = 2√3 m
5. tan MCB = 2√3/4 = √3/2
and sin MCB = √3/√7
and cos MCB = 2/√7

sin ACM = sin (ACB - MCB)
= sin ACB cos MCB - cos ACB sin MCB

sin ACM = √3/2 x 2/√7 - 1/2 x √3/√7
sin ACM = √3/√7 - √3/2√7
sin ACM = √3/2√7
sin ACM = √3 x √7/14
sin ACM = √(21)/14
ACM = sin⁻¹ [ √(21)/14 ]

k = 21


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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
Good evening Carolyn! Here are my workings for this question.

I assume you have learnt these concepts.

1. Pythagoras’ Theorem
2. The three basic trigonometric ratios (sin, cos, tan) for acute angles
3. The sine/cosine rules
4. The techniques of surd rationalisation
5. The exact values for the trigonometric ratios of special angles