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primary 6 | Maths | Fractions
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Sarah Wong
Sarah Wong

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Fractions chevron_right Singapore

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Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 270
4 years ago
u noe:
4/5 = 0.8 &
4/5 km = 0.8 km = 800 m

1/10 = 0.1 &
1/10 km = 0.1 km = 100 m

look at one side of square:
at 800 m apart, with 100-m interval, there shld b 800/100 = 8 intervals ;
this means 7 poles between the 2 corner poles.
a total of 9 poles on one side.

on the opp. side, 9 poles too

the remaining 2 sides wld hv 7 poles each (dun add 2 corner poles, that wld b double counting)

grand total
= 9+9+7+7
= 32


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Maxyn Koh
Maxyn Koh's answer
29 answers (Tutor Details)
hope this helps! since one side has 2 poles at the corners, there can only be 7 more poles between the corners
Sarah Wong
Sarah Wong
4 years ago