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junior college 1 | H1 Maths
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MoeSatt Hmon
MoeSatt Hmon

junior college 1 chevron_right H1 Maths

A3 please

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 699

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Joel Ng
Joel Ng's answer
8 answers (Tutor Details)
To find out whether the resistors overheat, we must calculate whether the power dissipated,P exceeds the power rating of 0.50W. We know that the potential difference across the resistors V is the same for both resistors at 10V since they are both in parallel. Hence, there are multiple ways of completing the problem such as using the formula P = V^2/R (which is faster given that you know V and R already) or the one shown above where I find current, I, first then use the formula P=I^2R.

Try using the P=V^2/R method and hope this helps!
MoeSatt Hmon
MoeSatt Hmon
7 years ago
thank you i got it