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secondary 3 | A Maths
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Candice lim
Candice Lim

secondary 3 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

Hi, I need help on this A maths question. Appreciate if someone could advise me:) Thanks !

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 719
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
Good evening Candice! Whenever we do a quadratic equation with integral coefficients, our roots will be in the form a +- b sqrt c, whole thing divided by a number. There is a symmetry involved. Thus, if one root is 2 - sqrt 3, the other has to be 2 + sqrt 3. With the roots provided in the question, we cannot obtain a quadratic equation with rational coefficients. I will write this up later.
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
The sum of the two roots may have gotten away with it (being an integer 3) but the product of roots fails to escape. (being sqrt 3 - 1). No two rational numbers multiply or divide to sqrt 3 - 1.
Candice lim
Candice Lim
4 years ago
Thank you so much for your prompt advice :)Mr Eric. Your feedback is crystal clear and helpful. Your comments bring instant light to the question I have and I can understand instantly after reading your clear explanation. Once again, thanks a lot!

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
Good evening Candice! Something like this would be good. I will be writing up additional stuff for this question in a moment.
Candice lim
Candice Lim
4 years ago
Thanks Mr Eric. Really appreciate your additional effort to further explain to me :))
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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
A little more about the properties of such equations. The two roots must be conjugates of each other because this is the only case where the sum of the two roots (ie the sum of two conjugates) and the product of the two roots (ie the product of two conjugates) are rational numbers.
Candice lim
Candice Lim
4 years ago
thank you so much !