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secondary 4 | E Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right E Maths chevron_right Singapore

MORNING!!! please help me with (d), I don’t understand what they mean by “maximum” ... Please ... my olevels is in 3 Hours .. Thank you so much

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 539
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
5 years ago
Good morning Sonia! Not to worry, I will look at your question in a moment!
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
5 years ago
Idea is that 6 - curve is a maximum when the curve is at its minimum (because the smaller number you choose to subtract, the larger the final number you achieve, for example 6 - 1 = 5 while 6 - 6 = 0).

Since we are only interested in the value of x and not y, finding the x value for this maximum is no different from finding the z value of the minimum possible value of the curve in that region, likely arising from a minimum turning point.
5 years ago
6 - (x + 3.6/x) is a maximum means you want (x + 3.6/x) to be a minimum (as small as possible), since 6 is a constant.

This corresponds to the minimum value of y = x + 3.6/x

Find the minimum point on your graph, (which has the minimum value of y) first.
Then find the value of x that corresponds to it. Done.
5 years ago
You should be getting x ≈ 1.90

(Actual exact value is x = 1.897)
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
5 years ago
I presume that the lowest value of interest is the minimum point. I doubt the O Level examiners are so enthusiastic as to give a graph in which the boundary values, rather than minimum point, gives the minimum value of a curve.

Sonia, I will plot the graph in a moment.
5 years ago
The question doesn't ask for any boundary for part d)
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
5 years ago
As in the boundaries 0.5 to 6.5 for the x values. Of course for this question, the minimum point also gives the minimum value of the curve.

I remember being tricked once, either during junior college or university, in the sense that the minimum point turned out to not give the minimum value of the curve. I can’t remember when and which question, but one such case is a y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d graph, where the curve goes up first, then down, then up for a > 0. The minimum value comes from the leftmost boundary value of x given.

For some reason the term “minimum” in minimum point does get misleading at that level.
5 years ago
Minimum value within the boundary inclusive rather than minimum point (turning point) they meant.

But anyway the student will have to sketch the graph for this question so they wont be tricked (since the minimum value is easily spotted in the graph, whether turning point or not)
5 years ago
The more proper term for those minimum points (which aren't really the minimum) you described is 'local minimum/minima', which they don't really mention in syllabus. Neither do they talk about global maxima/minima in lower levels

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
Good morning Sonia! Here is the relevant plot from Desmos. We will get x = 1.897, in which your workings should get you some value around 1.8 to 2.0 on your graph paper due to the accuracy of your graph paper.
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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
Good morning Sonia! I have superimposed both graphs on the same axes so as to illustrate that the maximum value of 6 - curve is brought about by the minimum value of the curve.
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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
Good morning Sonia! I have introduced the derivative method just to verify that the maximum value indeed occurs around x = 1.9. This method should not be used in the paper today in pen, although we can use it as a side, rough working on the given rough papers if provided.
5 years ago
Thank uu!!!:)