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Here you go! Hope this helps!
Date Posted:
5 years ago
Thank you so much but how did you get the length?
No probs!
In squares, both the sides are the same.
Length x Breadth x Height is essentially
Length (of square) x Length (of square again) x Height
The key idea is to find the area of the base, multiplied by the height of the solid.
Hope this helps! If you have anymore questions please do ask and I'll be happy to answer! :)
In squares, both the sides are the same.
Length x Breadth x Height is essentially
Length (of square) x Length (of square again) x Height
The key idea is to find the area of the base, multiplied by the height of the solid.
Hope this helps! If you have anymore questions please do ask and I'll be happy to answer! :)
It’s a “square base” of side 4 cm each.
Yes Eric, that's what I explained!
Oh yes, if you have other questions which need help, feel free to contact me via the "Contact Tutor" function on my profile! :D
I did not read it in time (my post was sent in 4 seconds after yours and it took the system 5 to 6 seconds to register any comment given)
No problem Eric! Was just adding that on so you could see my earlier explanation :)
Thank you so much !! :D
Anytime! =D
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This is a easy question on Volume.I hope this helps you!
Date Posted:
5 years ago
Thank you!!