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primary 5 | Maths
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Pooh pooh bear
Pooh Pooh Bear

primary 5 chevron_right Maths

Pls assist ,thk

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 722

See 2 Answers

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Savitha's answer
22 answers (A Helpful Person)
A= 0.25 kg. Hope this helps you.
Pooh pooh bear
Pooh Pooh Bear
7 years ago
Thk but pls do with a model
7 years ago
I'm sorry. I'm new to "tutoring". I do not understand what you mean by "model". I would be grateful if you can share an example. Thanks.
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Phyllis Ong Jia Lee
Phyllis Ong Jia Lee's answer
13 answers (Tutor Details)
The difference gives you 2 units. Hence, you can find 1 unit which is the mass of Box B. With that information, we can find Box A since we are given the total mass of Box A and B