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primary 5 | Maths | Angles & Geometry
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Vicklaus Ng
Vicklaus Ng

primary 5 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Angles & Geometry chevron_right Singapore

How to solve this?

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 357
AC Lim
AC Lim
4 years ago
Ans = 180
U need to know angle S+U+W+X+Q=540
b+d+Q =180
c = U+W-180
4 years ago
Angle TUS = angle UYR + angle URY
= angle d + angle a

(Exterior angle = sum of two interior opposite angles)

Angle TSU = angle SPU + angle SUP
= angle e + angle c

(Same reasoning)

Sum of angles in triangle TSU = 180°

Sum of angles in triangle TSU also
= Angle TSU + angle TUS + angle SUT
= angle e + angle c + angle d + a + angle b

angle e + angle c + angle d + a + angle b
= 180°

You can also do the same but with the other 4 outside triangles

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12318 answers (A Helpful Person)
Unbelievable is P5 question ?
Hope this helps
Vicklaus Ng
Vicklaus Ng
4 years ago
Thank you
Vicklaus Ng
Vicklaus Ng
4 years ago