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primary 6 | Maths | Fractions
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Fractions chevron_right Singapore

Help me please

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 785

See 1 Answer

(a) The figure is cut off, so I'm assuming that the shaded area is the overlapped part of the triangle and square.

Area of triangle : area of square
5 : 2
20 : 8

Area of unshaded part of triangle : area of shaded part of square
Area of unshaded part of triangle : area of shaded part of triangle
3 : 1
15 : 5 (sum of 20, which is the total area of triangle)

Area of shaded part of triangle : area of square
Area of shaded part of square : area of square
5 : 8

Area of shaded part of square : area of shaded part of square
5 : 3

(b) length of square is 12cm
Area of square = 12 X 12 = 144
8 units = 144
1 unit = 18
5 units = 90

Area of shaded part of square is 90cm^2
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Dawn's answer
21 answers (Tutor Details)
5 years ago
Thank you so much!