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secondary 4 | Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

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Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 582
5 years ago
17.4 megagrams
= 17.4 Mg
= 17.4 x 1000 000 g
= 17 400 000 g

since 1000 g = 1 kg
17 400 000 g
= 17 400 kg

& in standard form
17 400 kg [shift to left 4 places ]
= 1.74 x 10⁴ kg
5 years ago
mass = 17 400 000 g

= 1.2 x 10⁴ cm³
= 12 000 cm³

= mass/vol
= 17 400 000/12 000
= 1450 g/cm³

& in standard form
1450 g/cm³ [shift to left 3 places ]
= 1.45 x 10³ g/cm³
5 years ago
volume of 1000 cm³ cut off

mass corresponding to 1000 cm³ is
= density x volume
= 1450 x 1000
= 1 450 000 g

original mass is 17 400 000 g
cut-off mass is 1 450 000 g

remaining mass
= 15 950 000 g
= 15 950 kg
= 15.95 Mg

& in standard form
15 950 000 g [shift to left 7 places ]
= 1.595 x 10⁷ g

15 950 kg [shift to left 4 places ]
= 1.595 x 10⁴ kg

15.95 Mg [shift to left 1 place ]
= 1.595 x 10¹ Mg


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Wei Hong Tan
Wei Hong Tan's answer
11 answers (Tutor Details)
Take note of your standard form and calculations!

Standard form should have only 1 digit before the decimal place.

When you divide 10^7 by 10^4, you should substract the powers (7-4=3)