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Primary 3 | Maths
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Jesmi ajith
Jesmi Ajith

Primary 3 chevron_right Maths

Pls explain.

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 524

See 2 Answers

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Olivier Mout
Olivier Mout's answer
24 answers (A Helpful Person)
X represents the number of cubes Steven has after he gave some away. We know that Ting Ting has 8x cubes, and that their cubes add up to 400. Using this information we can deduce that 9x=400, so Steven has 400/9 cubes. This means he gave 200-400/9 cubes away, being 155.6 cubes rounded off to 156. There is no perfect answer to this question given that you can't split up the cubes into 0.6th of a cube.
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Olivier Mout
Olivier Mout's answer
24 answers (A Helpful Person)
Alternatively this answer contains no algebra.