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Secondary 1 | Maths
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:) Mathistillfun
:) Mathistillfun

Secondary 1 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

I need help with Q2a thanks!

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 272
5 years ago
Use similar triangles.

△OPB and △OQC are similar

(If you need the proof let me know)

If PQ = y cm, then OP = (24 - y)cm

Since they are similar,

(24 - y)/24 = 6/12 = 12/24

So 24 - y = 12
And y = 24 - 12 = 12
:) Mathistillfun
:) Mathistillfun
5 years ago
THANKS for your help but we also need the proof so sorry...
5 years ago
angle POB = angle QOC (common angle)

angle OQC = 90° since height of cone OQ is perpendicular to base CD

O,P,Q are collinear from the diagram.

OQ passes through P. Since P is the midpoint of AB , and also the centre of the hemisphere, OQ passes through the centre and bisects AB

OQ is therefore perpendicular to AB.

(The perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through the centre. AB happens to be the diameter of the hemisphere, and to diameter is effectively a chord that passes through the centre)

Since OQ is perpendicular to both AB and CD, AB and CD are parallel.

So angle OPB = OQC = 90°
(corresponding angles, AB // CD)

By AA similarity, triangle OPB and OQC are similar
:) Mathistillfun
:) Mathistillfun
5 years ago
Thank you so much!!

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