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primary 5 | Maths | Rate & Ratio
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Rate & Ratio chevron_right Singapore

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Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 312
5 years ago
Change the fraction from 3/10 to 6/20
Change the ratio from 3 : 2 to 9 : 6.

Now you have the same number of units for $12 tickets sold.

Total units = 20 (based on the denominator of the fraction)

$12 tickets : 6 units
$15 tickets : 9 units
$30 tickets : 20 units - 9 units - 6 units = 5 units

Ratio of $12 : $15 : $30 tickets
= 6 : 9 : 5

For every 5 $30 tickets sold, 6 $12 tickets and 9 $15 tickets were sold. We group them into a set.

Amount from 5 $30 tickets
= 5 x $30
= $150

Amount from 6 $12 tickets
= 6 x $12
= $72

Difference = $150 - $72 = $78
So in a set, 5 $30 tickets cost $78 more than 6 $12 tickets.

$390 ÷ $78 = 5

There are 5 such sets.

Number of $30 tickets = 5 sets x 5 per set = 25
Number of $12 tickets = 5 x 6 per set = 30

So 25 $30 tickets cost $390 more than 30 $12 tickets.

Number of $15 tickets = 5 sets x 9 per set
= 45

You can find the total $ earned from here
5 years ago
Thank you very much for your help

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Eric's answer
22 answers (A Helpful Person)
First cut the block into 20 parts instead of 10 because we need to accomodate the ratio of 3:2

3:2 = 9:6. Thus we have 9 parts for the $15 tickets. The balance 5 = (20 -6 -9) units belong to the $30 tickets.

Next find how many tickets is equilavent to 1 part. Use 5u × $30 - 6u × $12 = $390
From here, we get 1 unit = 5 tickets.

The answer is the sum of all the tickets × price of each ticket.
5 years ago
Thank you very much for your help.