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junior college 1 | H2 Maths
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Matthew Ng
Matthew Ng

junior college 1 chevron_right H2 Maths chevron_right Singapore

Could someone please help me solve this with step by step analysis on how to reach the answer? Thanks so much in advance!!

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 635
5 years ago
From ② and ①, the sin θ cancels out.

B ÷ A :

y/x = r sinθsinΦ ÷ r sinθcosΦ

y/x = sinΦ/cosΦ = tanΦ

Φ = arctan(y/x) or tan-¹(y/x)

A² + B² :

x² + y² = r² sin²θcos²Φ + r² sin²θsin²Φ

x² + y² = r²sin²θ(cos²Φ + sin²Φ)

x² + y² = r²sin²θ

(recall trigo property cos²x + sin²x = 1. So recognising this from the start, we square the terms and factor to eliminate one variable Φ)

Now, sub C in by squaring first.

C² :

z² = r²cos²θ

so from above result,

A² + B² + C² :

x² + y² + z² = r²sin²θ + r²cos²θ = r²

r = √(x² + y² + z²)

Since we know r already, sub back into C.

z = √(x² + y² + z²)sinθ

sinθ = z/√(x² + y² + z²)

(part b is solved first)

Then, θ = arcsin(z/√(x² + y² + z²))

Or sin-¹(z/√(x² + y² + z²))

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Glemen Neo Chee Kiat's answer
3 answers (A Helpful Person)
This questions is a mix of trigonometric identities and simultaneous equations. In both topics, it is important to be able to recognise patterns and apply formulas to eliminate unknowns. You must also remember very clearly and know how to use at least the basic trigonometric identity to make things easier for yourself, saving you the trouble of checking the MF26 so often.