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junior college 1 | H2 Maths
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Could someone please help me solve this with step by step analysis on how to reach the answer? Thanks so much in advance!!
B ÷ A :
y/x = r sinθsinΦ ÷ r sinθcosΦ
y/x = sinΦ/cosΦ = tanΦ
Φ = arctan(y/x) or tan-¹(y/x)
A² + B² :
x² + y² = r² sin²θcos²Φ + r² sin²θsin²Φ
x² + y² = r²sin²θ(cos²Φ + sin²Φ)
x² + y² = r²sin²θ
(recall trigo property cos²x + sin²x = 1. So recognising this from the start, we square the terms and factor to eliminate one variable Φ)
Now, sub C in by squaring first.
C² :
z² = r²cos²θ
so from above result,
A² + B² + C² :
x² + y² + z² = r²sin²θ + r²cos²θ = r²
r = √(x² + y² + z²)
Since we know r already, sub back into C.
z = √(x² + y² + z²)sinθ
sinθ = z/√(x² + y² + z²)
(part b is solved first)
Then, θ = arcsin(z/√(x² + y² + z²))
Or sin-¹(z/√(x² + y² + z²))
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