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secondary 4 | E Maths
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This is partly why we can, say, put two A4 papers side by side to form an A3 paper.
You can think of the rectangles as “similar rectangles”.
A3: 297 x 420
A2: 420 x 594
A1: 594 x 840
By inspection, A1 is twice of A2, A2 is twice of A3 and A3 is twice of A4.
By analogy, A0 is twice of A1 and A4 is twice of A5.
= A0/A1 times A1/A2 times A2/A3 times A3/A4 times A4/A5
= 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
= 2^5 (A0 to A5 is “five grades down”)
= 32
Having said that, I don’t recall papers of size A5. I only remember size B5.
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You shd see that they slot into pattern like my drawing.