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primary 5 | Maths | Whole Numbers
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Whole Numbers chevron_right Singapore

Am I right? If no what’s the answer with working? Thank u

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 353
Chong Jia Tao
Chong Jia Tao
5 years ago
It is $110 part thereof means before 30min after 30min is another $10
5 years ago
You're missing a + $10 for your first step.

1st hour : $20

2nd hour is made of two ½ hours

$10 + $10

The last 45 min can be divided into one ½ hour period and one ¼ hour period (15 min)

+ $10 + $10(because the 15 min is part thereof so the full $10 is still charged for it)

Total = $20 + $10 + $10 + $10 + $10

= $60

2 persons, so $60 x 2 = $120
5 years ago
Jia Tao, you'll have to count for both perons so it's another $20, not $10
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
5 years ago
I didn’t see the word “each” the first time. I assumed the canoe was shared between the two people.
5 years ago
One more thing to take note :

Do not combine the durations and count the cost from there.

2h 45 min + 2h 45 min

= 4h 90 min
= 5h 30 min

= 5½ h

= 2h + 3½h
= 2h + 7 x ½h

You will conclude incorrectly that the cost is

2 x $20 + 7 x $10
= $40 + $70
= $110

See 1 Answer

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Wei Jie
Wei Jie's answer
51 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this helps! Calculate each person’s charge and add them together.
5 years ago
Thank u
5 years ago
Thank u