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Primary 3 | Maths
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Hege Priya
Hege Priya

Primary 3 chevron_right Maths

Plz help me solve this question

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 580
Teoh Jia En Phyllis
Teoh Jia En Phyllis
7 years ago
okay so the first thing to do is list the possible combinations for the sum of 11. And you end up with 3 +8, 4+7 and 2+9. I excluded 1+10 because it does not fulfill the first requirement (the number has to be double digit since it is between 20 and 50). I also excluded 5+6 because together they form 56 which does not fulfill the first requirement (between 20 and 50). Okay so the possible answers are 38, 47 and 29. So to eliminate the other 2 possible answers, use the 6 times table. You will come to realise that only 38 fulfills the second requirement. (since 6 x 6 =36, so remainder for 38 will be 2)
You can try it out on the other 2 options and you will realise that they will give you remainders of 5 instead so 38 is the answer. Hope this helps you!

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Sim Lee Yeh
Sim Lee Yeh's answer
3 answers (Tutor Details)
hope i helped. feel free to ask if you do not understand :)
Hege Priya
Hege Priya
7 years ago
Tks dear...
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QB Fong
Qb Fong's answer
3 answers (A Helpful Person)
Working backwards and the answer is 38.