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junior college 2 | Chemistry
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Ilic Yap
Ilic Yap

junior college 2 chevron_right Chemistry

It's a H2 Chemistry question,
not sure if the tutors would answer it

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 575

See 1 Answer

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Valerie Nam
Valerie Nam's answer
13 answers (Tutor Details)
You need to compare the E reduction value of both Cr^2+ and I2 and see which one will be oxidised and reduced more readily. Then you will have to calculate the Ecell value of the overall reaction to see and see if the value is positive or negative. If it is positive, it means that the reaction occurs spontaneously.

Valerie Nam
Valerie Nam
7 years ago
The rest of the questions also uses the same.method to do :)