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primary 6 | Maths | Speed
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Speed chevron_right Singapore

Please help me with this question.Thank you in advance.

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 520
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
5 years ago
This question is difficult to approach without some algebraic ideas behind.

The car would have travelled the same distance as the van by the time the car overtook the van at 3 pm.

The van took 5 hours to travel this distance.

The car took 3 hours to travel the same distance at 28 km/h faster than the van.

If you draw a model, you would be drawing 5 units for the van and 3 x (unit + 28) for the car. Unit represents the distance travelled in an hour.

We lump the 28s all the way to the right side.

Like this.


UNIT UNIT UNIT 28 28 28 for car

(not sure if you can see this model clearly though, because it's hard to see on phone)

Clearly the extra 2 units = 84

2 units --> 84
1 unit --> 42

So the van travels 42 km in 1 hour.

He would have needed a further 3 hours (126/3) to reach Town B at 1800.

See 1 Answer

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Crystal Ho
Crystal Ho's answer
3 answers (Tutor Details)
Hope this helps!!
5 years ago
Is there a way not to use algebra mefhod? Use normal speed method.