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primary 6 | Maths | Fractions
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Izz zuhairi
Izz Zuhairi

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Fractions chevron_right Singapore

Please help ASAP thank you

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 665
5 years ago
Work backwards.

1 - 1/5 = 4/5

If Peiling's cookies = 1/5 of remaining cookies + 6 cookies

Then Amina's cookies = 4/5 of remaining cookies - 6 cookies

So 4/5 of remaining cookies - 6 cookies = 54 cookies

4/5 of remaining cookies = 54 cookies + 6 cookies = 60 cookies

1/5 of remaining cookies = 60 cookies ÷ 4 = 15 cookies
Remaining cookies = 15 cookies x 5 = 75 cookies

(Or in one step using fractions, remaining cookies = 60 cookies x 5/4 = 75 cookies)

1 - ¼ = ¾
Now, Tina's cookies = 24 cookies + 1/4 of total cookies

So remaining cookies must = ¾ of total cookies - 24 cookies

¾ of total cookies - 24 cookies = 75 cookies

¾ of total cookies = 75 cookes + 24 cookies
= 99 cookies

¼ of total cookies = 99 cookies ÷ 3
= 33 cookies

Total = 33 cookies x 4 = 132 cookies

(Or in one step using fractions, remaining cookies = 99 cookies x 4/3 = 132 cookies)
5 years ago
Working you can write in your assignment:

54 + 6 = 60

60 x 5/4 = 75

75 + 24 = 99

99 x 4/3 = 132

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