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junior college 1 chevron_right chevron_right Singapore

How to do question 1a ?

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 317

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Muhammed Anas
Muhammed Anas's answer
15 answers (Tutor Details)
To find the partial derivative of z wrt to a variable (eg. x), then treat the other independent variables (eg. y) as constants.
5 years ago
Hi, thank you for the answer, but do you have the steps for the question ? :)
Muhammed Anas
Muhammed Anas
5 years ago
Let's look at del z/ del x as an example. Since you're differentiating wrt x, you will treat y like as if it's a constant (i.e. real number). Differentiating ax^2 will therefore be 2ax. That should be straightforward. To differentiate 2bxy, you need to consider the expression as (2by)x instead, where y is grouped together with the constants. So upon differentiation of (2by)x, you obtain 2by. So the key takeaway is this: When performing partial differentiation wrt to a variable, treat all other variables as constants and differentiate as per normal.