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primary 5 | Maths | Whole Numbers
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Jackson R
Jackson R

primary 5 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Whole Numbers chevron_right Singapore

Need help with question B. Thanks.

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 407

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Tong Woei Horng
Tong Woei Horng's answer
385 answers (Tutor Details)
Jackson R
Jackson R
5 years ago
Thank you for your answer. But could you please explain the steps...why
12-2 = 10 and
1200 /10 =120 (number of C tickets)
Tong Woei Horng
Tong Woei Horng
5 years ago
12-2 =10(Diffence between a Type A amd a Type C ticket).The difference of $1200 is caused by having some Type C tickets among the 480 Type A and Type C tickets.If you take 1200 divide the difference of $10,you will then have the total number of Type C tickets.Hope my explanations help.lf you still have problems,do let me know.Thks.
Jackson R
Jackson R
5 years ago
Thank you so much. I understand now.