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secondary 2 | Maths
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secondary 2 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

Please explain how to use the box method thanks

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 247
5 years ago
Basically a guess and check.

Write the term in x² in the upper left box first. Write the constant term in the lower right box next.

For example , your question 13.

x² + 9x - 36. So write x² in the upper left box first, write -36 in the lower right box next.

Now you need to guess and check the factors of the terms you wrote in the boxes.

x² = x × x (only possible combination)

36 = -6 x 6 or 6 x -6
36 = -4 x 9 or 4 x -9
36 = -3 x 12 or 3 x -12
36 = -2 x 18 or 2 x -18
36 = -36 x 1 or 36 x -1

you need to find which combination of factors will give you +9x for the sum of the two remaining boxes.

You will realise that in this case, only the -3 x 12 combination will give the +9x.

Because x × -3 = -3x
x × 12 = 12x

12x - 3x = 9x

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I hope this helps you! :)