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primary 6 | Maths | Percentage
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Ian Koh
Ian Koh

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Percentage chevron_right Singapore

Have to solve this question using model drawing

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 371
5 years ago
Let Ben be 100u
Ally is 40% more, so Ally = 140u

Ally gave 20% of hers to Ben.
20% of 140u = 140 x 1/5 = 28u

Ally is left with 140u - 28u = 112u
Ben now has 100u + 28u = 128u

Ben gives 20% to Claris
20% of 128u = 128 x 1/5 = 25.6u

Since Claris stamps increased by 25%,
25% = 25.6u
100% = 25.6u x 4 = 102.4u

Claris' stamps now = 102.4u + 25.6u
= 128u

Since different between Claris and Ally
= 128u - 112u = 16u,

16u = 144
1u = 144 ÷ 16 = 9

Ben had 100u at first.
100u = 9 x 100 = 900