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Primary 4 | Maths
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Chooi Ling
Chooi Ling

Primary 4 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

It will be great to show the working on how to derive the answer, thanks.

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 436
5 years ago
Must be divisible by 5 last digit have to be 0 or 5.
Since it is odd it must be 5.
We have: _ _ _ 5
Total must add up to 14.
14 - 5 =9
Since it is 4 digit, the thousand digit must be at least 1 and less than 6
9 - 1 =8
Since 10 digits is twice of hundreds, the total when adding the tens and hundreds have to be divisible by 3

From 8, it could only be 3 or 6
If it is 6: 3245
If it is 3: 6125
Since it must be less than 6000, the answer is 3245
Muhammad Ferozdeen
Muhammad Ferozdeen
5 years ago
Yup the comment above is correct

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