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See 4 Answers
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Q1 not done yet, but all my rubbish writing is just simply to point to the fact that I am going to find the maximum and minimum points of the curve. This then decides the highest possible and lowest possible y-values of the graph.
Date Posted:
5 years ago
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Q1 only.
I will take a look at Q2 when I have more time, and I will post another answer here only if I am able to solve the question.
I will take a look at Q2 when I have more time, and I will post another answer here only if I am able to solve the question.
Date Posted:
5 years ago
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So sorry for the delayed response. Here is Q2.
Date Posted:
5 years ago
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In case you need the full solutions, here is my solution (someone else just posted the exact same question so I may as well put it here).
Date Posted:
5 years ago