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primary 6 | Maths | Measurement
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Grace Goh
Grace Goh

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Measurement chevron_right Singapore

Please help me

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 464

See 2 Answers

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Sin Yee
Sin Yee's answer
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Irah Athirah
Irah Athirah's answer
89 answers (A Helpful Person)
(Ignore the rubbish on the right side!)

You have to find the length of the square, given the area of the square is 49cm^2.
Then, find the area of the triangle and circle.
Once you find both the area of the triangle and the circle, find the area not covered by the circle.
Since half of the area not covered by the circle is in the shaded region, you add the area of circle and half of the area not covered by the circle and subtract the area of the triangle. And that, you find the area of shaded area!

*Hope this works for you!
Grace Goh
Grace Goh
5 years ago