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primary 6 | Maths | Ratio
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Ratio chevron_right Singapore

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Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 680
5 years ago
Blue : 4 units
Red : 7 units

Difference = 3 units
There are 3 more units of red than blue buttons

For the newly bought buttons,
Blue = 29
Red = 8

Difference = 21 buttons
There were 21 more blue buttons than red buttons bought.

Since the number of red and blue buttons is the same in the end, the difference must be 0.

So, the difference at first must be equal to the difference of the buttons bought.

This is to get to the same number of blue and red buttons.

21 buttons = 3 units
1 unit = 7 buttons

Number of buttons at first
= 11 units
= 11 x 7 buttons
= 77 buttons

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Brendon Choo
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Hope u understand