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primary 6 | Maths | Ratio
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Ratio chevron_right Singapore

Ratio question that I don’t know and needs help because I am confused

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 381
6 years ago
If 2/7 of area of square is shaded,

You can treat area of square as 7 units, and 2 units are shaded.

Since area of square is ⅓ the area of rectangle, area of rectangle is 3 times area of square.

Rectangle → 7 units x 3 = 21 units.

Total area of figure
→ 21 units + 7 units - 2units (we have to take into account the shaded area, can't double count it)
= 26 units

Unshaded area → 26 units - 2 units
= 24 units

Fraction = 24/26 = 12/13

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