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Jun Xin
Jun Xin

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find the area of the shaded region.

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 434

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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
5997 answers (Tutor Details)
The trick is to do the integral with respect to y instead of with respect to x, since the curve lies completely to one side of the y-axis but does not lie completely to one side of the x-axis.

Therefore, we must express the equations of the curve and the line as x in terms of y before we can do the integral.

The shaded area is to the left of the y-axis, so the final answer is expected to be negative. Not to worry, we just take the final value without the negative sign for the final answer.
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
5 years ago
Minor correction to the first equals sign of my rightmost lane, the lower bound of the integral should be -4.