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junior college 2 | H3 Maths
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Christmas MT
Christmas MT

junior college 2 chevron_right H3 Maths chevron_right Singapore

(Undergraduate integral calculus)
Hello, what's the logic or thought process behind using hyperbolic sine as the inverse substitution instead of a normal trigo function? The integrand (after substituting u and u' as e^x) is of the form sqrt(a^2 + x^2), so shouldn't x = atan(t) be used instead?

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 1209
6 years ago
Please take a clear picture of the the above portion, I didn't read clearly
Christmas MT
Christmas MT
6 years ago
Find the area of the surface generated by the complete rotation about the x-axis of the section of the graph y = e^x between x = 0 and x = 1.
[Answer: pi(arcsinh(e) - arcsinh(1) + (e)sqrt(1+e^2) - sqrt(2))]

See 2 Answers

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Suvman's answer
2 answers (A Helpful Person)
I hope you understand this
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Suvman's answer
2 answers (A Helpful Person)
This is the prove of sinhyperbolic inverse = log(x+√1+x^2)