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secondary 4 | Physics
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Momo Tan
Momo Tan

secondary 4 chevron_right Physics

How to do this qn?

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 446
Jarrod Lim
Jarrod Lim
7 years ago
Hey Momo, it's me again. =D

a) conventional flow is always from positive (longer end) terminal to the negative (shorter end)

b) the rod moves because the induced magnetic field due to the current interacts with the magnetic field due to the electromagnet, causing an induced force to act on the rod

c) the direction can be determined using the Flehming's left hand rule. (A bit hard to show it here)

d) stronger magnets, larger current Y, and more turns in the solenoid of the electromagnet.

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Wong Meng Xian
Wong Meng Xian's answer
5 answers (Tutor Details)
Be aware of what is the purpose of each equipment in the set-up, how it may affect what u are supposed to determine :)