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secondary 4 | E Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right E Maths chevron_right Singapore


Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 413
Mak, Ivan
Mak, Ivan
6 years ago
Sure, happy to help. Try working out the following question yourself without looking/referring the answer.
1 (a) Should be doable for you, just take note that profit = selling price- cost price
(b) Use the information given and try your best to construct an equation to relate the information together. Write down whatever you know and try to see if you can piece it together.
(c) Solving the equation, you need to know how to solve quadratic equations ax^2 + bx + c = 0 using the Quadratic Formula as written, it'll give you two answers, and you have to make a correct choice between the two (answers shown at bottom).

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Mak, Ivan
Mak, Ivan's answer
28 answers (Tutor Details)
6 years ago
ty so much
Mak, Ivan
Mak, Ivan
6 years ago
Sure, happy to help. Try working out the following question yourself without looking/referring the answer.
1 (a) Should be doable for you, just take note that profit = selling price- cost price
(b) Use the information given and try your best to construct an equation to relate the information together. Write down whatever you know and try to see if you can piece it together.
(c) Solving the equation, you need to know how to solve quadratic equations ax^2 + bx + c = 0 using the Quadratic Formula as written, it'll give you two answers, and you have to make a correct choice between the two (answers shown at bottom).