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secondary 4 | E Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right E Maths

I dont know how to do question 1b , anybody can help me with it ?:)

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 630

See 2 Answers

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Matthew's answer
15 answers (Tutor Details)
Not sure if you've learnt exponential functions yet, but I could see the word 'Exponential' at the top of your photo, so this is the answer. Because the line only intersects at (0,1), and the y increases exponentially, the equation y=e^x will be the answer as when x=0, y=1. And the line will never cut the x axis. Hope this helps
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Thomas Tan Yiok Tuan
Thomas Tan Yiok Tuan's answer
8 answers (A Helpful Person)
Constant a must be positive. Constant a > 0.