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See 2 Answers
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Hope this helps!
Sorry if the answer is wrong :P
Sorry if the answer is wrong :P
Date Posted:
6 years ago
thank u so much !! But can u explain why you put “y= k/2.25 times 1/x^2 ??
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You mean this part?
Date Posted:
6 years ago
Oh I took the 1/2.25 out so that I'll get k/x^2 in order for me to be able to substitute y into the equation. Also if you don't understand how I got 1/2.25, it's because I took the 2.25 out of the denominator. You can check by taking 1/2.25 times k/x^2.
These kinds of questions you need to first make the equation look like the original equation, then you use your original equation inside by substituting , and then you can get your answer.
These kinds of questions you need to first make the equation look like the original equation, then you use your original equation inside by substituting , and then you can get your answer.