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primary 2 | Maths
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primary 2 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

Pls help. Tks

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 539

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Narendra Mudaliar
Narendra Mudaliar's answer
3 answers (Tutor Details)
I've placed the explanation on the side, hope it helps. Feel free to contact with further inquiries.

5 years ago
Any simple solution to explain to a p2 kid? Its difficult for them to y-y cancel off eavh other
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Benjamin Chong Wei Ming
Benjamin Chong Wei Ming's answer
7 answers (Tutor Details)
Hello, this would be easier,
Use trial and error to help find,
since Face - /+ Star = 22 and 30,
Face will have to be bigger then 22, and lower then 30.
So use trial and error to find the following star, Star have to be the equal number in both equations.
5 years ago
Thanks a lot