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primary 6 | Maths | Measurement
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Eleen Tan
Eleen Tan

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Measurement chevron_right Singapore

Hi all, I’m a tutor that usually help to provide solutions on this platform in my free time.

There is this question that was posted here a while back, the person who uploaded the question, claim that my solution 7800 is incorrect. He claims that the correct answer is 4500 (or somewhere around the 4400 to 4600 range).

Any kind souls out there, please help to take a look at this question, we could use a fresh pair of eyes and confirm which answer is correct. At the end of the day, we will all learn from each other's mistake. Thanks a lot in advance!

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 618
Han Song
Han Song
6 years ago
7800 same
Eleen Tan
Eleen Tan
6 years ago
Thanks for confirming my answer :)
BrIghT Lee
BrIghT Lee
6 years ago
Pardon me to reply late. I had been busy with my classes lately.

Your answer is same as mine.

That someone who commented the answer wrong. Did he provide an answer for the question?
Eleen Tan
Eleen Tan
6 years ago
Hi, thanks for reconfirming my the answer, the person who posted the question claims that the answer was 4500. But seeing that everyone got the same answer as me, 7800 is the correct answer.
BrIghT Lee
BrIghT Lee
6 years ago
Had done a quick check on the answer 4500. A will be giving 620 to B, the difference between the two will be 460, instead of 200.
Double check our answer on 7800.
It does make sense.
Eleen Tan
Eleen Tan
6 years ago
Yes, I agree with you. The person might be referring to the answer for a completely different question.

See 3 Answers

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BrIghT Lee
Bright Lee's answer
294 answers (Tutor Details)
This is quite a challenging question but deal it with model, should NOT be an issue.
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Chin Shih Chang
Chin Shih Chang's answer
352 answers (Tutor Details)
Eleen Tan
Eleen Tan
6 years ago
Hi thanks for solving the question and confirming my answer. Appreciate it!
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AC Lim
Ac Lim's answer
13107 answers (A Helpful Person)
My answer = 7800 too
Eleen Tan
Eleen Tan
6 years ago
Hi! Thanks for your help to solve the question. Appreciate it!