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primary 5 | Maths
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

May I know how to get the 45, 36 red beads gave away, why 45? Please help, thank you.

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 383

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Nashreen's answer
32 answers (Tutor Details)
This is attempting to make the size of units before and after to be the same so that easier to solve. As such since before red is 4 units, the give away 36 beads is divided into 4. That is, every unit of red, 9 beads is given away. So before red is 4 smaller units + (9x4). Hence 1 big unit of after red will be 4 smaller units. Following this pattern, the before blue is 5 big units within each is 9 beads. Hence 5 smaller units + (9x5). So these smaller units will be same number in the before and after event. So following the after red pattern, the after blue will be 4 smaller units x 3 = 12 smaller units. So working is made compared between the before and after blue model to form the equation. Hope you understand.
5 years ago
Great help, thank you