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primary 5 | Maths
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Hi, pls help to solve this question. Thank you.
1/12 of the square is shaded.
Notice that the unshaded area for both shapes are the same.
So the idea is to have the same numerator.
You can see this as :
The area of the triangle is 4 units and the area of the area of the square is 12 units.
unshaded area = overlapping area
= 1 unit.
Area of the whole figure
= 12 units + 4 units - 1 unit (because of overlapping, we need to - 1 unit as we have double counted the overlapping area)
= 15 units
Shaded area of triangle = 3 units
Ratio of shaded area of triangle to area of whole figure = 3 units : 15 units
= 1 : 5
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