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primary 6 | Maths
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Ho Kuin
Ho Kuin

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

Pls help for my son Maths correction . Thx

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 537
5 years ago
You have to find the diameter of each circle and divide the total length at the side as given as the diameter of the circles are the same
Ho Kuin
Ho Kuin
5 years ago
It’s the answer correct (a) 20425 & (b) 3600
AN Tutor
AN Tutor
5 years ago
B is wrong.

Firstly, you took into consideration the perimeter of the entire diagram (grass path + walkway) but the question only ask for the perimeter of the grass path.

Secondly, the number of tiles in the pathway you have used is wrong. The number you have used is 19 by 15 which is a total of 19 x 2 + 15 x 2 =68 tiles, way more than 38 tiles in total.

Hope this explanation helps.

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Detailed explanation. Hope this helps :)