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primary 6 | Maths | Data Analysis
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Data analysis chevron_right Singapore

How to do (b) ? Thank you so much!

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 531
6 years ago
a) Brown bag has 5 more $2 notes than blue bag. Question says there are 15 $2 notes altogether.

So take 15 - 5 = 10. Now both bags have the same number of $2 notes.

10 ÷ 2 = 5. There are 5 $2 notes in the blue bag to begin with.

b) 2/3 of the notes in brown bag = 3/4 of the notes in blue bag.

It's like saying 2 units out of 3 in brown bag = 3 units out of 4 in blue bag.

Since the 2 units and the 3 units are equal, make the number of units the same.

Brown: 2 units x 3 = 6 units
Blue: 3 units x 2 = 6 units

But we know that total units in brown bag is 3. So 3 units x 3 = 9 units

For blue bag, it's 4 units x 2 = 8 units.

So brown bag → 9 units
Blue bag → 8 units.

Question says there are 2 more $5 notes in the blue bag than brown bag.

But from part a), we know that there are 5 more $2 notes in the brown bag than blue bag.

So if we think in terms of the number of notes,

5 - 2 = 3.

Overall, there are 3 more notes in the brown bag than blue bag.

9 units - 8 units = 1 unit.

So since number of notes in brown bag is 1 unit more than in blue bag,

1 unit = 3 notes.

Number of notes in blue bag
= 8 x 3 = 24

Number of $5 notes in blue bag
= 24 - 5 = 19

Total amount of $ in blue bag
= 19 x $5 + 5 x $2
= $95 + $10
= $105

See 3 Answers

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Tea Pei Si
Tea Pei Si's answer
25 answers (Tutor Details)
The model helps you to visualise :) any questions hmu :D
6 years ago
Slight error there. 8 x 3 = 24, not 21.
Tea Pei Si
Tea Pei Si
6 years ago
Oops oh ya. Thanks :')
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Tea Pei Si
Tea Pei Si's answer
25 answers (Tutor Details)
These are the correct values. Apologies for the miscalculation previously
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Durga's answer
2 answers (A Helpful Person)
Plsss explain these to me. Thank you!!!!