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primary 6 | Maths | Measurement
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Charlene Toh
Charlene Toh

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Measurement

Please help.

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 658
Sangarshini V
Sangarshini V
6 years ago
hi charlene!! to find the shaded area all you have to do is find the area of the circle then half it, then minus the area of the triangle from the big unshaded semicircle. now, you have the area of the two unshaded parts of the shaded semicircles. all u have to do now is take the total area of the 2 semicircles and minus the area of the unshaded parts and that is your answer.
(hint: 10cm is the diameter of the circle, and 6 and 8cm are the diameters of the 2 diff semicircles.)
i'm sorry i can't really draw it out for you right now, but reply to this comment if you need more help.
please read my "explanation" a few times and i hope you'll understand it better. happy learning!! (altho it isn't that fun lol)

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