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junior college 2 | H1 Maths
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junior college 2 chevron_right H1 Maths

Can someone help me out this? I am stucking on this question 21... Please and thank you

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 603

See 2 Answers

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Xi Bin
Xi Bin's answer
21 answers (Tutor Details)
Hope it helps.
6 years ago
But how to should it directly? Thank you buddy it helps but I am wondering is there any other way to show the formula directly?
Xi Bin
Xi Bin
6 years ago
please send me your email address and i will send you if possible.
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Xi Bin
Xi Bin's answer
21 answers (Tutor Details)
Here is the direct solution, need to figure out the model.
6 years ago
How to send you the email
Xi Bin
Xi Bin
6 years ago
I’ve post it here as another answer. No worries.
6 years ago
Thank you so much!!! But why 4x4x10 and why S1=0
Xi Bin
Xi Bin
6 years ago
We need to find out the possible factors, S1 have to be 0 when n=1 otherwise u1 will not match. 4x4x10 is a reasonable guess based on the S. 0, 10, 40, 160, these numbers will imply you the factor 4 and 10, (10 is part of 10/3). Once you do it in direct method, you need to try all the possibilities and test them.