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Primary 4 | Maths
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Primary 4 chevron_right Maths

Must use model diagrams to solve. How to solve?

Date Posted: 5 years ago
Views: 236
5 years ago
Mary got 1/5 of the coins. Means 1 unit out of 5 units. So draw one unit for Mary.

Total = 5 units.

Jane got 3 more than Mary. So Jane is one unit + 3 coins

So Mary + Jane
= 2 units + 3 coins

Sylvia got 12 coins.

So Sylvia = total - Mary - Jane
= 5 units - 2 units - 3 coins
= 3 units - 3 coins

3 units - 3 = 12 coins

So 3 units = 12 + 3 = 15

1 unit = 15 ÷ 3 = 5 coins

Total number of coins
= 5 unit
= 5 x 5 coins
= 25 coins
5 years ago
Thank you, J. I can understand your explanation.
5 years ago
Welcome, by the way slight error in the last step, please check the edited answer above

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