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junior college 2 | H1 Maths
10 Answers Below

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junior college 2 chevron_right H1 Maths

Can someone teach me how to use excel to compute this ? Please i beg you . I need to get A for this project so it will help my gpa . Please anyone :(

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 533
6 years ago
But i have to use inverse method for 10x10 matrices how leh
6 years ago
Ok thank you vm . If i still need help i can still ask u here right
6 years ago
Ok chill i was just asking
6 years ago
good luck!

See 10 Answers

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Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing's answer
49 answers (A Helpful Person)
Follow these steps to find matrices inverse
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Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing's answer
49 answers (A Helpful Person)
Matrix multiplication, first pic
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Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing's answer
49 answers (A Helpful Person)
Matrix multiplication, 2nd pic
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Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing's answer
49 answers (A Helpful Person)
Matrix multiplication, last pic
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Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing's answer
49 answers (A Helpful Person)
You need to set a dynamic named range for your matrix in excel
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Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing's answer
49 answers (A Helpful Person)
Dynamic named range, pic 1
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Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing's answer
49 answers (A Helpful Person)
Dynamic named range, pic 2
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Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing's answer
49 answers (A Helpful Person)
Dynamic named range, pic 4
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Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing's answer
49 answers (A Helpful Person)
Dynamic named range, pic 6
6 years ago
Woah thank you so much . I try do first thank you and uh pls dont delete this app cos i scared later need ask Q dk ask who cos u the only person who take chem eng and is on this app
Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing
6 years ago
OK np
Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing
6 years ago
Any doubts ?
6 years ago
I alr finish doing the methods u showed me just now . But now my tcr ask me do jacobi method oso . But idk how to do like my ans never converge
Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing
6 years ago
OK let me check Jacobi method
Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing
6 years ago
How did you try to solve
6 years ago
Wait i think i know alr i jus follo utube but dk if its right :/ . Bro are u free now ? Can help me with math? If ure not free now tomoro oso can help .
Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing
6 years ago
OK, I will try to help you with your maths. But tmrw I am working so I will be able to help you only after work?
6 years ago
Ok thank you so much
6 years ago
Bro can help occupational health and safety ? I alr post it under JC2 H2math . I dont understand where the 0.25 come from .
6 years ago
I dont understand hoe they calculate the rest cycle? How they got 0.25/25 . 25 is not the total work time right . Pls help me ://
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Liu Rijing
Liu Rijing's answer
49 answers (A Helpful Person)
Select the range of cells for your answer
6 years ago
Bro help me with unit operation pls . I dont understand the question like what it wants plus this topic is under drying and like i dont understand abt the moisture and stuff . Pls help me :( i need to submit tomoro