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primary 6 | Maths | Ratio
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Ratio

Plz help ASAP, thanks!

Date Posted: 6 years ago
Views: 628
6 years ago
Find area of ∆ VSR first.

Then find area of ∆ TSR. (Hint: lines PR and each QS divide the rectangle into two equal parts)

Area of ∆ VSR - area of ∆ TSR
= area of ∆ VSU + area of ∆ TUR

Area of ∆PTQ - area of TUVW
= area of ∆ PWV + area of ∆ VUQ

(Hint: ∆ PTQ's area is the same as ∆ TSR's area)

Now you would have all the unshaded areas. So use it to find the shaded area and then you can find the ratio.

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