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Primary 3 | Science
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Jasmine Ong
Jasmine Ong

Primary 3 chevron_right Science

Explain which two bread had no mould grown on it and why?

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 1615
Ong Tun Wei
Ong Tun Wei
7 years ago
Bread B and C would have no mould grown on it. Mould requires a warm and moist environment to grow in. Bread B was toasted before, hence all the moisture would be removed and thus unsuitable for mould to grow. Bread C is placed in the fridge where moisture would be at its minimal, its also a cold environment, hence mould would not grow. Bread A has water sprinkled on it and being in room temperature would encourage mould to grow.

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Dorlisa Leong
Dorlisa Leong's answer
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Hope this helps!!