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Secondary 1 | Science
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Durka Muneeswaran
Durka Muneeswaran

Secondary 1 chevron_right Science


Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 929

See 2 Answers

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Carmen Lee
Carmen Lee's answer
5 answers (Tutor Details)
B, Cooling a computer. (The heated material in the computer stays solid.

When we boil water, it changes from liquid to gas.

When we wield metal, it changed to liquid back to solid.
Durka Muneeswaran
Durka Muneeswaran
7 years ago
Thank you really understood
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Raelynn Ng
Raelynn Ng's answer
3 answers (Tutor Details)
Cooling a computer does NOT involve a change in state as the computer is still intact as a solid (it does not melt or anything right?). Therefore your answer should be B. Jiayous! :)